Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Five Most Common Wage and Hour Labor Law Violations

It is not uncommon for employers violate state wage and hour laws. After all, most big businesses in the state of California have committed illegal pay practices. These are probably the 5 most typical and reoccuring violations of overtime laws by employers.

1. Paying employees in California a fixed salary without overtime pay is a violation of California law. This is probably the biggest misconception. Even though many employers trick employees into thinking that they are not entitled to overtime compensation and meal and rest breaks, employees must be aware of the fact that a salary by itself does not preclude workers from making overtime pay.

2. Another major problem involves tricking highly skilled professionals into thinking that they are going to have a job under which they can exercise independent discretion and judgment but in reality the company has simply violated state overtime pay laws by misclassifying the employee as exempt.

3. The third most common wage and hour violation in California involves illegal timekeeping systems. Many companies in the state have been caught changing the hours employees work in violation of CA Law.

4. Failing to reimburse employees for work-related expenses incurred while working for the employer, whether it be gas mileage or something, has become a very prevalent and reoccuring labor law violation committed by employers.

5. Unpaid vacation time and waiting time penalties. When an employee is terminated and not paid all of the vacation time the employee earned under over the years of his or her employment, the business is violating the Labor Code. For these common vacation pay violations, employees can get waiting time penalties since vacation time is considered earn "wages" for purposes of California law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would California Jiffy Lube's policy of changing workers' schedules after they are made public constitute hours of work being changed? Within the week of posted time, I know of a worker who had his schedule changed and he was told he had to work. Isn't this making the employee be "On call'/

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