Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Want to know if Your Current or Former Employer Owes You Overtime Pay under California Overtime Laws?

Want to know if your current or former employer owes you money for failing to pay you the proper amount of wages as required by California law? Here are a few examples of the types of wage and hour schemes employers use to cheat employees out of wages:

Under labor laws, courts often find that employees have a valid wage and hour overtime law claim when employers use a flag rate or piece rate compensation scheme. In particular, employers often violate state labor laws by failing to pay workers for the time they spend attending meetings and training sessions. Furthermore, many California employers are liable to employees for penalties when the employer’s fail to pay for time spent setting up work stations and booting up and shutting down computers. 

Employers also frequently implement illegal comp time schemes. A comp time scheme is one where the employer fails to pay the employee overtime wages for working more than 8 hours in a workday or forty hours in a workweek because the employer tells the employee he or she can leave early the next day. For example, suppose an employee works 10 hours on Monday and the employer says you can leave two hours early tomorrow and we will mark the timekeeping system so that it looks like you worked two 8 hour days. Under California overtime laws, the employee is losing two hours of overtime pay because on Monday the employee should have been paid one and a half times the regular rate of pay for working hours 9 and 10.

Another major problem is that employers implement alternative workweek schedules without conducting a valid election process which violates the California labor law. These types of illegal employment practices often occur in the San Francisco Bay Area

Some illegal employment law practices in Southern California often involve failing to compensate employees for travel time and time spent working off the clock from home, sending emails and making phone calls. Not only is it against California labor laws to not pay employees for time worked from home when they are non-exempt, but employers must also reimburse employees for the work-related expenses as well. 

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